How honest appreciations can save the world from depression.

Let's travel past in time to our school days. What was the feeling you had when the whole class clapped and appreciated you for something you achieved? 
Didn't you feel like a king standing there with a huge smile on your face? Can you imagine that? Weren't you simply flying in joy? You would have carried that smile throughout the day. 

But as we grow, why do we fail to make honest appreciations? 
Is it that we have grown jealous looking at other's growth or the ego in us which is holding us back? 

The psychologist William James said, 
"One of the deepest desires of human beings is the desire to be appreciated. The feeling of being unwanted is hurtful"
 Expensive jewels are not real gifts; they are simply apologies for shortcomings. Many times we buy gifts for people to compensate for not spending enough time with them. 

Sincere appreciation is one of the greatest gifts one can give to another person. It makes a person feel important. It can be a great motivator. 

Appreciation, in order to be effective, must meet these 5 thumb rules:

1. It must be specific:

If I tell someone "You did a good job", he might get confused as to, "What did I do good?". But if you say, "The way you handled that difficult customer was great", then he knows what he is being appreciated for.

2. It must be immediate
The effectiveness  deteriorates if we appreciate someone six months later or even a week later.

3. It must be sincere:
 It must come from the heart. You should mean every word. It shouldn't be a flattery. An appreciation comes from the heart, but flattery simply from the mouth. 

4. Don't qualify praise with a 'but'
By using but as a connector, we erase the appreciation itself. Use "and", "in addition to that" or some other appropriate connector. 

5. After giving an appreciation, don't wait for a return compliment: 
 Some people are looking for a compliment in return. That is not the purpose of appreciation. 

Even if you are receiving appreciation, accept it graciously with a "thank-you". 

A sincere honest appreciation is never going to cost us anything, but it can mean the world to the other person. It motivates him to grow into an amazing human. 
Ultimately " Your appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary"

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  1. Appreciation is the best and highest form of motivation.. Very nice akshya iam very happy to read this blog 💖keep rocking.. All the best

    1. Can't agree more...! Thanks..! Glad that you loved it...!

  2. Yes akshaya. You are right. One of the greatest medicine in life like an appreciation from others and to others. Such a great blog this.. Keep going

    1. Absolutely...!! That's right
      Thank you so much

  3. These words are Wow👏👏👏👏👏👏

  4. Very nice article..

    I would like to add something:

    You said "But as we grow, why do we fail to make honest appreciations?"..

    Very True.. It happens because we are sunk in many other things in life that totally occupies our space and hence we do not take any time to observe, admire, enjoy, introspect & appreciate..

    One way I know about how to keep the above going as we grow up is to write a "Gratitude Journal" everyday.. :-) It helps big time to keep the inner child alive within us. :)

    Has anybody tried maintaining Gratitude Journal..??
    What are the other ways of maintaining the above..??

    Please share your thoughts people..

    1. Beautifully explained anna. Will definitely check out the gratitude journal and post my ideas on its implementation in a part 2 to this blog.
      I value ur recommendation. Thank you

  5. Wow, super Akshaya...awesome article.
    Yes indeed this world is in need of more and more of love and peace, appreciation is one of the important key for unlocking it...

    1. Well said..! I agree on every word.
      Thank you so much

  6. So true✌️. Appreciation is not only a recognition or admiration for the work done by us, perhaps it motivates and drives a man towards achieving more and more success. Thank you akshaya for writing such article.

    1. Woah....that's so true. It's indeed a driving force to get better

  7. Your words on appreciation is to good and graceful and it mean it.....

    1. I'm extremely happy on you keen observation.. Thanks for the read

  8. Hey akshaya... that's an interesting observation.
    And yes,those appreciations become fuel to run faster,to do something exciting and more importantly they make us feel we have done something right by investing our valuable time.
    And you're doing something passionate...KUDOS to you gal!!!
    Keep Soaring High👍🏻

    1. Rightly said..:)
      Let us also appreciate and motivate others to be better humans.
      Thank you so much for having a read.

  9. Very beautifully written Akshaya. Often, we fail to appreciate someone else's effort eventhough we find it great. A little kindness let out from the heart in the form of appreciation could be a huge encouraging factor to the other person ❤ We lose nothing when we soulfully appreciate someone, the soul indeed gets more beautiful when it spreads kindness 😇

    1. Absolutely. Cannot agree more. A sincere and kind gesture of appreciation cost us nothing but when it's said that becomes a huge driving force for him to flourish


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