How to optimize your LinkedIn profile to land you a decent job? How important is a LinkedIn account?

If you own a LinkedIn account which sits idle with just your name and graduation in it, then this is the wake-up call for you.

LinkedIn is not a carbon copy of your resume or just about entering your name, studies, and graduation. It is much more than that! Let me explain!

LinkedIn is one of the largest network for professionals and recruiters with over 600 million active users. “From building a personal brand to landing a dream job, LinkedIn has been connecting people even before Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat came into existence”.

>> Why have a LinkedIn account?

HEAR THIS: ‘94% of recruiters say they use LinkedIn to find candidates for their organization’. Yet another survey conducted by Jobvite Study discovered that while 94% of recruiters are on LinkedIn, only 36% of job seekers are.

Isn’t that alarming!!

Yes, it is.

It doesn’t mean that one should have a profile only when they are looking for a job. A recent study stated that ‘75% of those who landed jobs in the last 3 months weren’t actively looking or even applying for jobs’.

A lot of new job shifts and switching to a new higher position has also been happening via LinkedIn. 'Nowadays resumes are required to have LinkedIn IDs on the front page right below your name itself'. 

In fact, recruiters get into LinkedIn to have a glance at how your profile is optimized, how updated it is, view the articles you've shared, and decide upon if you are suited to work at their organization. All of these inspection takes place even before they view your resume. 

"Mark my words! There are going to be days when recruiters would just ask for your LinkedIn ID and not even ask for a resume and that day is not far away"

After reading all these stats, don’t you think a fully optimized LinkedIn account is a necessity? Even if you are quite unsure, I’d say it is extremely important.

A mere LinkedIn account won’t do good to you. Your profile should be optimized in every area to please recruiters. 


>> Oh! But how do I optimize my profile? How do I make it attractive and commendable?? 

Don’t worry, let me help you prepare a fully optimized LinkedIn account that recruiters are looking for.

1. Your photograph:

The first thing people see is your display picture. To make for the best first impression, affix a high quality, well-lit photograph. LinkedIn is not a place for selfies, casual shots, or blurry images.

A photograph in formal wear where you look at the camera is always suggested. Make sure the photo is 200x200  pixels else the image may look pixelated. 

2.  Headline:

A headline is a title visible straight under your name in your profile. It appears to be highly visible and searchable. The maximum characters that can be accommodated in the headline are 120, so make sure to add valuable and highlighting keywords that would attract recruiters.

If you have any special achievements, proficiency, or top grades in your field, you can add them too. Remember, even more than your name and graduation, the headline is highly noticeable and distinctive.

For Eg: You can add something like – Software Developer at XYZ solutions | MBA graduate | Java, C++, PHP.

(OR) from SRCC | Financial Planning Strategist at ABC ltd | Rank 25 in CFP exams.

 3. The About Section:

I always wonder as to why the majority of the people write one or two- liners in the about section. To your information, this section is an introductory space granted to you by LinkedIn.

Even in a basic interview, interviewers ask you to introduce yourself. Likewise, this section can be utilized to introduce yourself to the recruiter.

You can include:

·        Your areas of expertise.

·        Additional skills.

·        Informative courses you’ve completed.

·  Seminars and webinars you’ve actively participated in.

·        Your mission and vision statements.

·        Side hustles.

You can check sites like business.linkedin, jobscan, hubspot etc to help you write incredible summaries.

4. Education, Certificates and Awards:

Education is a core element of your profile, so don’t miss out on completing this field. You can add your school, degree, grade, year of completion etc.

how to optimise linkedin about section

LinkedIn has a special section to add your certifications, embellishments, publications, and other achievements relating to your qualification and experience.

You can even add any social services or volunteering activities you’ve taken part of like the NSS, YRC, NGO – activities, etc.

5. Publish, network and add endorsements:

LinkedIn as like other social media sites are open to post articles and publishing content related to your expertise. Not just articles or write-ups, you can even share value-adding videos, short informative content, personal experiences, and share much more.

Ask for references and endorsements and reach out to colleagues, mentors, teachers, or previous employers and ask them to provide feedback.


Whether you are getting started or an experienced hand, optimizing the LinkedIn profile is essential for all categories of people. With a fully complete profile, you can stand out from the crowd and get better offers and salary packages.

Not just an optimized profile sitting idle is a duty-done, network, and speak to people who belong to your niche and communicate. Follow top companies and observe what they are posting on the site.  


If you have any queries or require assistance, feel free to write to me on Instagram or Facebook.


  1. Thanks for the alert. Useful 👍

    1. I'm grateful that this blog reached you.
      Do continue to spread the knowledge. Thanks a lot:)

  2. A very important topic to be discussed about da. LinkedIn is definitely the best professional platform to showcase our skills and it also helps us to network with people of similar profile across the globe. Highly useful blog da :)

    1. Certainly akka! LinkedIn has been one of the best networking professional sites ever.
      Have it fully optimised is an absolute necessity.
      Thanks for reading akka :)

  3. Really Very Much Useful Topic Akshaya.Because Nowadays Everyone Must Want To Have LinkedIn Account With Us. Because We Have Soo Much OF Varieties OF Jobs In LinkedIn. This Is Our Duty To Know About LinkedIn Akshaya.
    Thank You Akshaya For This Wonderful Blog.It Is Really Useful Akshaya. 🙂👍

    1. Yes definitely anbu! A LinkedIn account is a must for all graduates.
      I'm glad it was useful.. thanks a lot 😊
      Share with your friends also.


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